Grow in Christ!


We value Jesus Christ as the center of our lives, families, and ministries because He is Lord and because He is the Head of the Church and we value the Scriptures as God's absolute Truth by shaping our lives around the person and example of Christ using His Word as our guide for faith and life. (Eph. 2:19-21, Col. 1:15-20, Col 2:9-10, Phil. 2:9-11, Acts 2:36, 1 Peter 3:15a, Eph. 1:22-23, Heb. 1:1-5, Eph. 5:23, John 1:14) (II Tim. 3:14-17, John 17:17, Heb. 4:12, II Pet. 1:20-21, Matt. 5:18)


We value biblical disciple-making that leads to transformed lives and so we commit to having someone disciple us while we commit to disciple someone. (Phil. 1:9-11, Heb. 12:1-3, Phil. 3:7-14, Eph. 4:11-16, John 8:31-32, Col 2:6-8, Matt. 28:19-20)

Sabbath Experience guide

Watch here for information about the vision God is growing in the hearts of our church... our key words are Transformational Engagement... Some key texts are Isaiah 54 and 55...

Are you in grades 6-12? Do you want to learn what it means to really know God? Do you want to have an impact for God and for good in your school and community? Do you need to find hope for today? Do you want help along that Journey? Then click to check out ROCK - Reaching Our Community's Kids and join us as we help each other become more like Jesus.

Jesus’ name means, “The Lord is Salvation.” Why is that good news?

“For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures” ~1 Corinthians 15:3-4

The good news of the Gospel is the truth that we are all sinners or criminals before God, and under the sentence of eternal death or separation from both God and all that is good. In His love for us, God the Father sent God the Son to earth to become a man. Jesus was born without a sin nature, and lived a sinless life. He allowed himself to be crucified, and as He hung on the cross. God the Father took all of my sins and put them on God the Son, Jesus, and punished Him in my place.

Jesus took the wrath of God for me, and He died. His body was placed in a tomb, and three days later He came back from the dead, never to die again.

See, God in His love and grace has overcome our two enemies of sin and death. Those who confess to Jesus that they are sinners in need of repentance (changing their mind about who Jesus is and what He has done for them that results in a change of action), and trust Him in faithto save them from eternal condemnation have their sins forgiven and are given the gift of life eternal with God forever.

But it doesn’t end there! Jesus also promised that if we believe Him, while we still live on this earth He would send God the Holy Spirit to seal the deal and to live in us and empower us to live a life that is truly life! A life filled with real and lasting peace and real and lasting joy; the ability to face the trials in life no longer alone but with hope that endures.

Would you like to know life like this? Would you like to know this Jesus? Do you need help with learning more about following Jesus? Then keep reading…

“Do you confess that you are a sinner unable to save yourself?”

“Do you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins on the cross and rose again from the dead?”

“Do you believe Jesus when He said ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me’?”

“Do you confess that your only hope for salvation from sin and for eternal life is found in your personal trust in Jesus Christ alone?”

If you answered yes to these questions and you desire to know more about following Jesus, we want to help you grow in your newfound walk with Him! Connect with us so we can give you some tools for your new life in Christ. We are glad you stopped by here. We are SO glad your name is now written in the Book of Life if you answered yes to the questions above in your heart and have repented and decided to trust and follow Jesus with your whole life. Blessings on your journey as you follow the Lord Jesus Christ with all that you are. Let us know if we can help you in any way.